Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Study, Past Studies, and Where To Go From Here

The electronic cigarette world has been buzzing after a new study was recently published, reporting that e cigs have little effect on the heart. This is great news for e cig smokers and manufacturers, as users now have a little more justification for switching to these alternative smoking devices. On the other hand, the manufacturers now have a stronger push behind their products even though it’s not allowed to market these devices in the U.S. as more healthy or safer than traditional cigarettes.

In compliance with the FDA, e cigarettes must be marketed as smoking alternatives and not smoking cessation devices, because that would transform these products into pharmaceuticals. Thus, an ecig company cannot tell their clients that they could use these products in order to quit smoking or that they should switch to e cigs because they are safer than regular ones. On the other hand, it’s pretty obvious that a lot of consumers are switching over in order to stop smoking. If you look at a lot of customer reviews or if you browse through forum discussions, it will be pretty clear that the main objective for these people was to quit.

E Cigs And Their Impact On Heart Function

The new study has concluded that these devices do not seem to be negatively affecting the hearts of their users. While this is wonderful to hear, the researchers also acknowledged that this was a very small study and that larger ones need to be conducted in the near future.

Electronic Cigarettes and Their Impact On The Lungs

In another study, researchers found that e cigs have a negative short term effect on the lungs of its users, which helps confirm the fears of the governments who have been trying to ban these products along with traditional cigs. In this study, the researchers measured the airway resistance in individuals after having them use e cigarettes. They found that there was an immediate and higher airway resistance in individuals who had very healthy and normally healthy lungs.

These are great studies, for they are beginning to provide information about these products, which are becoming more and more popular each year. The next obvious step is to conduct studies and research on wider scale, which could provide definite answers and create a more informed consumer base.

1 comment:

  1. Its true that Electronic Cigarette is a good alternative of traditional cigarette and it has less harmful factors as compare to traditional cigarette but still it has different harmful factors for health.
