Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Guest Author Posts Or E Cigarette Reviews

Now Offering Free E Cig Guest Posts!

Hey everyone! So my last post talked about review sites that were not really seeking to promote every type of electronic cigarette brand possible. I believe that, for a review site to give the best information they can to their readers, should feature information about small and big brands, not just the most popular ones.

Anyway, I want to review e cigs so that people can have all the best possible information they can. To stay true to my word, I would like to open up my blog to everyone who has a review about a particular brand of electronic cigarette. So, you can be a smoker or an e vaper that has a review on a particular brand. I will also take guest posts from e cig companies that want to get the word out for their product.

Format of Your Post:

  •          No less than 400 words
  •          Correct grammar and punctuation (Not Spun)
  •          Only 1 Contextual Link (internal links not required)
  •          Every link will be given the “Nofollow” attribute
  •          Title should include name of brand or company
  •          Has to make sense and be readable
  •          No Pictures

Hope to hear from you all! You can email me at cmsbrot@gmail.com